Thanks for reaching out and the recommendation highlighting the story of Lee Miller. I am trying this year to pursue working exclusively with subjects that fascinate me whether or not they are commercially viable.

Something else that I am interested in, is helping younger women who are navigating through a work world that hasn’t changed enough to fully embrace them.

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Margaret, I enjoy your writings and your selection of subjects to create artwork. I can attest to the lies I had to make in order to gain employment. When asked if I was married, do I have children, do I plan on having children, does my husband approve of me working, if children get sick, I'll need to take time off from work - well, being truthful prevented me from getting hired.... so I had to lie.

Thank you for researching women in photography and in other fields where they struggled against the system and yet excelled... only to be disregarded. Photography is such an amazing form of art, to which I am obsessed with. I myself, delve into creating photography, graphics and videos that visually tell a story.

With regard to women photographers, there's a movie is coming out about Lee Miller, an american woman photographer who documents the horrors of the Nazi regime. Kate Winslet plays Lee Miller. The title of the movie is "LEE." Here's a movie trailer. https://youtu.be/NpVX-z8ggbk?feature=shared

I'm looking forward to your future writings.

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